Thursday, May 21, 2015

Big Summer Blowout!

 Ok, maybe not like the big sale in Frozen, but I got inspired to share a quick and easy way to fix your hair in the morning that mimics what most women go to the salon to get. If you're like me, you see that some girls can blow dry their hair and it sets perfectly... or maybe you see tutorials about how to make your hair do different things with a blow dryer.... well this is not for girls who can do that!
     This is for girls like me, who have pretty naturally straight hair that, when blow dried, attempts to imitate a wave, but is truly volume-ized with poof... This is also a good trick for women who have flat hair. Using a 2 inch barrel curling iron near the roots can really boost them up for a lasting finish!
    This is a hairstyle that should be tried out on a Saturday afternoon or on a day you have an hour or so to get ready, just to be content with a pony tale. It took me a while to get my hair to cooperate, but now it's something I can do in 15 minutes maximum!
      The photo on the left is after my hair air dried after a shower (that way it's much less fluffy!) The one on the right was 30 minutes later (and that's hair AND makeup done! and ready to go!) I like that I can curl my hair while my coffee cools, and then drink it while I do my makeup, but that's just me!
1. I took the top layer of my hair and clipped it up. Then, since my hair is kind of think and long, I sectioned it into three sections. You should have a pretty good chunk so that the curler can grab it and hold it. Plus, you're going for big waves! Remember that! Sometimes when I focus on volume, I think: the curlier the better. But such is not true! Just trust me...
2. Clip the bottom inch or so and roll up. Get as close to your scalp as possible without burning yourself. You want to remember to clip enough that the hair doesn't slip out, but you also want to remember that if you clip too high, the bottom wave will start too high and you will have a crease in the wave. Depending on how much hair you have, you'll have to decide how long to hold it, but I'd go no more than 45 seconds. If you touch the outside layer of your hair and it's warm, you're good!

3. Unwrap your hair by unraveling the curling iron. Then, while you still have a loop or two still on the iron, lift up the clamp and let the hair fall. Give it a second to cool, then loosely grab the bottom curl and start wrapping it around your fingers. It's kind of tricky, but using a bobby pin or clip, let go of the curl so that its a nice like loop on the side of your head. It doesn't have to be perfect! Just try to keep the shape, even if you turn it flat to where the hair is pressed against your head, it's okay!
4. Repeat with the other sections on the bottom layer (I suggest that you have no more than 4 sections). Then, to help keep the top layer apart from the bottom layer, grab the top layer as you un-clip. I have found it helpful to work one section at a time on the top layer while pinning the rest back. Otherwise, I tend to grab hairs from pinned areas on the bottom and mess up that curl. With 3-4 sections on the top, continue grabbing a handful and curling it, pinning it as you finish each section.

5. I have longer, side-swept bangs, but I have found for volume sake, it's helpful to curl them straight back. If you have shorter bangs, you may choose to curl them by going under and curling forward, or giving them a bit of volume with a straightener. You know your hair best! If you have grown out your bangs... well, disregard number five.

 6. (Left photo). Pin back bangs if necessary. As you can see with mine, I have a lot more hair on one side than the other. That's how my hair is parted. If your part is in the middle, it will look more even, but regardless, you should curl and pin the hair on the side you want it on. It's messy to split up the hairs afterwards and could split up the curls!
7. (Right photo). Do makeup, leaving hair up. If some hairs fall out, it's okay! Unless a whole curl falls out and you re-pin it, try to leave it alone.

8. Give a LITTLE hairspray. I like to wait until my hair's falling a little until i spritz it, so I wait til after makeup. Don't bother with spraying it a lot while it's up, because that's not where you want it to stay!

9. Un-pin the curls carefully. I wanted to include this picture on the left to show you that the curls are like vintage pin-ups. That's okay! Leave them! The more you run your fingers through, the less they bounce in the end! So DON'T BRUSH! Just shake it a little, and when all the bobby pins are out, throw it over and really spray! Depending on your hair, you know how much you need, but I like to spray as I bounce the curls with my hand. Giving some volume is good. Raking your fingers through the curls is bad.

 10. Deal with bangs and carefully tame the mane! As you can see, my bangs went crazy, but with a bobby pin or two, they were back and I was ready to go!

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